Oesophageal Cancer Clinical and Molecular Stratification

+44 (0)1223 348667

Trainee Research Competition 2022

Trainee Research Competition

OCCAMS is launching a Trainee Research competition looking for proposals to use the existing OCCAMS database of clinical and molecular data to answer new, interesting, and important questions in oesophageal cancer.

A selection of research proposals will be picked for presentation at the OCCAMS Symposium 28th February 2022 at Imperial College London.

Winning Proposals will get access to both the OCCAMS data and infrastructure expertise.

Application deadline

29 December


How to apply

To apply please submit your research proposal to competition@occams.org.uk using the form below.

Application form

  • If you wish to find out more about what data OCCAMS has available you can visit the OCCAMS website (www.occams.org.uk) or contact the OCCAMS team at contact@occams.org.uk
  • Deadline for applications is 24th 29th December 2021(Extended)
  • Eligibility - You must be a UK based researcher in training with either a scientific or clinical background and should not have been appointed at consultant or group leader level, or equivalent, by the time of the symposium. You do not need to be working in a centre that recruits for OCCAMS but we do need to know this as data sharing agreements will need to be put in place.
Download file Online application form